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Certified Coaches, international federations members

(ICF or EMCC), we support your empowerment to take action, fully aware of yourself, to achieve your goals.

Coaching is a powerful tool that invites you into a process aimed at achieving your goals through a brand-new perspective on your situation. This, enabling you to find answers to your questions on your own.


your full potential.

We support Executive and employee’s teams in addressing their operational challenges. Our approach to collective transformation is facilitated through a precise functioning self-diagnosis, enabling awareness, adjustments, and new actions formulation.

Our specialization areas include:

  • Mergers & Acquisition
  • Governance transformation
  • Team cohesion and emotional intelligence
  • Healthier internal communication
  • Internal restructuring
  • Values
  • Challenges related to remote work
  • Turnover management

We facilitate individual transformation and development through a tripartite contract that defines objectives and their measurable indicators.

Our specialization areas include:

  • Professional resources development
  • Employee onboarding
  • Leadership
  • Management support
  • Work-life balance management

Private clients

We provide individual coaching support to assist you in developing your professional resources and career objectives.

Leveraging our market knowledge in conjunction with our recruitment activities, we guide you through a certified process to clarify your professional identity and address questions related to your evolution in the world of work.

Our specializations:

  • Career guidance
  • Career transition
  • Initiating and growing entrepreneurial ventures
  • Work-life balance
  • Job search strategy
  • Interview preparations
  • Professional relocation
  • Self-confidence and emotional intelligence
  • Professional resilience – burnout
If you're looking to thrive and find alignment,
don't hesitate to reach us out to discuss your situation.
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